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To refer a child to our services this can be done online, or by calling 0161 820 8262 or emailing office@kids
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Our service is currently on hold. All new enquiries are directed to the British Dietetic Association or your local health care provider for alternative support
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Feeding is a learned behaviour. We offer a range of treatment interventions including individualised meal plans, exclusion diets, assessment of nutritional and energy requirements versus current intake.
We also address parental factors such as anxiety and help with parenting strategies. For example how to improve stress around meal times or how to encourage a fussy eater to have a more varied balanced diet.
Depending on each child or young person's presentation we use a range of treatment approaches. Treatments can include behavioural interventions, nutritional advice, speech and language therapy or occupational therapy advice where indicated and beneficial. We also monitor the growth and development of each child.
Individualised meal plans can be used in a number of dietary conditions and may have a range of purposes. Individualised meal plans involve providing multiple options for breakfast, lunch, evening meals and snacks. They can be used in the treatment of individual nutrient supplementation in cases such as:
The above are just a few of the instances in which individualised diets can be beneficial in achieving optimal growth and development in children.
Exclusion diets are frequently used in allergy and intolerance to avoid the trigger foods such as cow's milk protein, lactose or eggs. Our dietitian can help support and educate you and your child on how to achieve improved tolerance. We can also help to re-introduce trigger foods in a safe means. Types of exclusion diets include
A period of exclusion is followed by introduction through means of a gradual reintroduction, using evidence-based guidelines reintroduction methods.
The treatment approach we take is determined by the needs of the individual child and family, with each component designed and intended to help address one or more of the areas affected by the eating or feeding difficulty. Evidence based written information is provided supporting each child or young person's feeding or nutrition plan. A full detailed report is also available upon request. We monitor the success of our intervention through regular assessments of growth and nutritional adequacy.
Any specialist referrals to other members of the multidisciplinary team will also be recorded. For example, speech and language therapist or occupational therapist referrals. Information of feeding, weight and growth history will also be recorded and play a vital role in devising a suitable plan and monitoring its success. Information regarding any assistance required with feeding will also be recorded and taken into consideration i.e altered texture diets or thickened fluids.
There may be information in the care plan that it will be necessary to relay with GP's such as prescription requests for oral nutritional supplements or hydrolysed formulas in cow's milk protein intolerance. Communication with other professionals may be required i.e advice concerning food allergies and identification of appropriate portion sizes. Due care should be taken to establish a nutrition baseline to ensure all care plans provided are sustainable and realistic in the context of optimising nutritional care.