Make a referral
To refer a child to our services this can be done online, or by calling 0161 820 8262 or emailing office@kids
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Our service is currently on hold. All new enquiries are directed to the British Dietetic Association or your local health care provider for alternative support
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Education plays a key part of our assessment. It is of paramount importance to us at The Kids Feeding team that we educate all parents and carers on the area of their nutritional concerns.
The knowledge and education we aim to deliver empowers you to make informed choices regarding your baby or child's nutrition and growth. We aim to give you the knowledge and confidence in achieving varied balanced diets whilst overcoming any nutritional diagnosis or concerns you may have.
Common topics we education children, parents and careers about include:
We will educate you on how to teach healthy lifestyle behaviours which your child will take on throughout the childhood into adult life.
Children who exercise are more likely to be a healthier weight and have reduced incidence of nutrition related diseases as an adult. We can teach you how to incorporate it alongside good nutrition to help your child reach optimum health.
Your baby or child may have been diagnosed with an intolerance or allergy, or you think they may have one. We can assess, diagnoses and treat your baby or child and give you a plan to ensure they are receiving all the energy, vitamins and minerals they need despite their diagnoses.
Food fortification is the term used to describe how to increase the energy of food without increasing the volume. It's a technique used in babies and children with poor weight gain, underweight or faltering growth.
Fussy eating in children and babies is hard, but you don't have to live with it. Our specialist paediatric dietitian can give you bespoke tips and tricks on how to ensure your child is getting enough energy and nutrients to grow and develop, whilst incorporating strategies to widen their variety of food.
Constipation is usually caused by a low fibre diet and a lack of water consumption. Sometimes it can be because of other reasons too. Our specialist paediatric dietitian can assess your child’s diet and give a treatment plan according to their diagnosis.
Iron is a very important mineral for babies and children. It is essential that it is incorporated into their diet from weaning onwards. Get in contact for support on how to get iron into your baby or child’s diet.
Sometimes toddlers get regular diarrhoea, which can cause distress and worry for parents. Our dietitian can assess, diagnose and treat any allergies or intolerances causing the diarrhea.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel you would benefit from education in any of the above areas or any other nutrition related areas.
At each consultation we provide evidence-based written information to help further your knowledge in the techniques and approaches we use in treating each child or young person.