Our service is currently on hold. All new enquiries are directed to the British Dietetic Association or your local health care provider for alternative support


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What does BDA stand for?

The BDA stands for the ‘British dietetics association’.

What is the BDA?

The BDA is a trade union and professional body that represents the whole dietetic workforce in the UK. The BDA supports the professional, educational and public development and interest of dietitians and nutritionists across the UK.

Who can be a member of the BDA?

Membership is available for anyone that works in dietetics, nutrition or who has an interest in diet and food across the world. The BDA represent practitioners, researchers, educators, support workers and students. Our dietitians and dietetic assistants in the Kids Feeding Team are all members of the BDA.

What does the BDA do?

The BDA ensures that the rights of all members are protected. They promote the equality of opportunity for the dietetic profession, and work to remove barriers to career progression. They provide members with professional guidelines and numerous opportunities to develop as professionals through additional training and events.

If you are interested in finding out more about the BDA, then please visit their website.

Make a referral

To refer a child to our services this can be done online, or by calling 0161 820 8262 or emailing office@kids feedingteam.co.uk

Refer Now

We're registered

BDA The association of UK Dietitians
HCPC Registered Logo
Freelance Dietitians Specialist Group Logo
CSP Logo
BPS Logo
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